To cook with ease and have a ZEN kitchen simply follow these tips.

Whether you are cooking Persian, Italian, French or any type of food, there are steps to take to make your life easier and your time worth while.
I've compiled a list of Simple Cooking Tips Everyone Should Know! to make every time in the kitchen a successful one.

* Set up the perfect workspace by gathering clean tools, bowls and utensils. And make sure to keep a trashcan within arm’s reach.
* Always read and re-read your recipes before you start cooking.
* Prepare, your ingredients for each recipe ahead of time, the night before or 5-6 hours ahead of time.
* set up stations on your counter top with your ingredients based on recipes.
* Invest in a baking scale. Scales are not only an accurate way to measure your cooking ingredients, but they streamline the entire process.
* Buy a slow-cocker!!!! If I were a slow cocker sales person, I would have been a millionaire now! Many recipes of my book and other books can be made in this amazing vessel. Try it, experiment, follow the instruction of purchase, you won’t be disappointed.

Kitchen Pantry Essentials: Salt, Pepper, Turmeric, Butter, Olive Oil, Vinegar, Rice or Pasta, Beans &Legumes, Eggs, Tomato, Potato, Garlic, Onion, Flour, few dried herbs jar such as mint, Tarragon, Oregano, Dill weed, Sugar, honey.

* Clean your refrigerator once a week, to see what you have and can re-use in a new dish.
* Store fruits and cut vegetables in see-through containers or bags. You see them, you use them!
*Make any dish to be eaten two times. Once same day once later on the week or save it in the fridge.
* always have some cooked brown pasta, rice or Quinoa in the fridge for easy assembling of left-over dinner days.
* Store ground meat or chicken in a thin layer for easy and fast thaw.
* once a month, cook only from pantry. This way no items get forgotten and rotten!!!! Furthermore, it gives you a flavor and routine break.
* Always taste your food along the way and before serving it. Don’t be afraid to use salt; it pulls the flavors out of your dishes. Cook with kosher salt and season with sea salt.
* Be liberate with cooking times. Check your dishes by using your own senses (smell, taste, touch) to decide when they are done.
* The most versatile and important tool is a sharp chef’s knife.
*Never use high heat on your stove. Always start with a medium heat, then for simmering use very low heat. This will give you and the ingredients the time to develop.


Overcooked vegetables lose important enzymes and nutrients.

* Recipes are only a guideline. Feel free to substitute items that cater to your personal preferences.
* Always heat up your pan for couple of seconds before you add oil, then allow the oil to heat up for same amount before sauté or fry egg or any vegetable or meat.
* Anchor your cutting board to the counter with a damp paper towel to keep things steady and safe.
* Invest in a seasoned cast iron skillet. This kitchen staple distributes heat evenly and is easy to clean.
*Prepping salad before serving is a huge time saver. Layer all the ingredients in a bowl and don’t add the dressing until it's time to serve.
* Let steaks come to room temperature before seasoning and grilling.
* Never overcrowd your skillet with food. The heat will not distribute evenly.
* The basic ratio to make a classic vinaigrette is 3 parts oil to 1part vinegar.
* To keep garlic from going rancid, always store it at room temperature.
* Keep knives sharp by using a sharpening tool frequently. A sharp knife is important for safety and efficiency.
* Purchasing and preparing a whole chicken is cost-effective and resourceful.
* Freeze leftover tomato paste in small ice cube containers.
* Make stock in larger quantities and freeze in plastic bags for later use.
* Invest in high-quality extra virgin olive oil to drizzle over dishes to accent flavors, and enhance your health.
* Save money by purchasing in-season fruit and vegetables. You can freeze and store in airtight containers to save for later.
* Remember: to preserve flavor and prevent burning, it's important to always cook slow and keep your heat low.
* Rice cookers can be your personal kitchen assistants. Let them do all the tedious work and you will never worry about monitoring and watching water boil.
* Test oil in a pan before adding all of your ingredients. Throw a small piece in and make sure it sizzles before adding the rest.
* Seafood should never smell overwhelmingly fishy; that's a sure sign that it’s starting to go bad.
* Keep key kitchen appliances, like a blender, on your countertop to encourage frequent use.